woman sitting drinking coffee and writing

Everything in Writing.

The Creative Writing Pathway allows students to develop narrative tools and strong writing ability in concert with study in selected disciplines, including Art, Sociology, or Mass Communication

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Pathway Information

A strong foundation in writing and narrative strategies in specific academic and pre-professional contexts enables students to become resourceful, creative, and effective leaders, entrepreneurs, intellectuals, and professional writers.

Graduates can pursue careers in graphic novels and memoirs, narrative video games, policy analysis, social advocacy, communication strategists, social media managers, literary agents, and influencers, among many others.


All IDS majors complete an XIDS course sequence through which they learn interdisciplinary concepts and method, culminating with a capstone project that reflects their intellectual and career interests:

  • XIDS 2000 - Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies
  • XIDS 3000 - Interdisciplinary Methods
  • XIDS 4000 - Interdisciplinary Capstone


A man writing

Creative Writing Track

You will need to take Introduction to Creative Writing as well as Intermediate and Advanced Creative Writing courses. The focus options are: 

  • Creative Nonfiction
  • Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Screenwriting

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Photo Of Woman In Front Of Painting


Visual Storytelling Track

  • Focus on Printmaking, Graphic Design, or Painting

Communication Studies Track

  • Focus on theories and modes of communication

Writing the Social Experience Track

  • Focus on social relationships & processes


Contact Us

Dr. Neema Noori
Director, Center of Interdisciplinary Studies
(678) 839-6329